The time has come – as of today, three new trainees are strengthening our HERDING team. Selina and Michelle are starting their training as wholesale and foreign trade management assistants and Lion as an IT specialist in the field of system integration. In the next two and three years, respectively, they will learn the contents of the company’s training, take part in seminars and excursions, have the opportunity to do an internship abroad and will be optimally prepared for their final exams. They now belong to the team of a total of eight trainees in three different professions at HERDING.
We wish the three of them a lot of fun and a good start to their training.
Applications for the start of training in 2023 can already be sent to our training manager Andrea Beisheim ( If you are interested, please click HERE for more information on the open apprenticeship positions for the coming year.
Rhede, 01 August 2022